About us
California Vocations Inc. (CVI) is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing residential and vocational support to developmentally disabled adults. Our mission is to provide an environment of respect and safety while supporting choice and promoting self-directed lives for adults with I/DD. Our vision is having individuals with I/DD live their dreams in a community where all belong. We help our clients develop a positive self-image and a keen awareness of individual rights and community involvement. Each year we help individuals gain the skills and confidence necessary for long-term success in independent living, education, jobs, and positive family and community life. We believe in the shared responsibility of CVI and the broader community to advance the quality of life and future options of its I/DD people.
CVI’s Main Office is located in Chico, CA with locations in Corning, Orland, Oroville, Gridley and Chico. Our organization consists of three distinct components: Licensed Residential Care (Phoenix House, Ridge House and Tehama Manor), Supported Living Services and Day Programs (COVE and SOAR).