“Supporting Adults With Developmental Disabilities With A Place to Live, Work, and Play”

Resources for School-Age Children with Disabilities

You and your child begin the journey that will give them the skills they need for their lives. This journey will require persistence and team-work with all the people your student will work with.
  1. Where to Begin

    If your child is having difficulty in school, and you suspect that he has a disability, you can request to have her tested with the school psychologist.

    You can also go to your local Regional Center and request an intake assessment to determine if your child qualifies for services. Check out their website www.farnorthernrc.org. If they are not accepted for services, you can try again if you still feel that your child may have a developmental disability.  You may request assistance with your appeal from the State Council on Developmental Disabilities or the Client Rights Advocate.  The Northern counties of Butte, Glenn, Lassen, Modoc, Plumas, Shasta, Siskiyou, Tehama, Trinity are served by Far Northern Regional Center.  
  2. Where to Go For Help

    If your child has been diagnosed with a developmental disability and receives services from a Regional Center you may have many questions. Where do I begin? Where can I go for help when I have questions?

    Rowell Family Empowerment of Northern California
    Redding Office
    962 Maraglia Street
    Redding CA 96002
    Phone: 530-226-5129, 877-227-3471

    This agency provides support, education and advocacy services to parents. They offer training to parents on such topics as: how to have successful Individual Educational Program (I.E.P) meetings and what services your child needs to succeed in the classroom. There is no charge for their services (offered in English and Spanish). They also have libraries on-site and on-line. You can check out their website at www.EmpowerYourFamily.org or call with questions.
  3. School Resources

    Parents cross rapids and mountains on their student’s educational journey. You need to track your child’s progress and meet with his/her teacher and therapists often. How does the teacher follow up on the speech therapist’s lesson? Is your child working on his I.E.P program every day? Close and positive communication drives your child’s education toward success.

    Attend your local Community Advisory Committee (C.A.C) meetings, sponsored by your school county’s local SELPA (Special Education Local Plan Area). They offer workshops and speakers for school staff and parents.

    Butte County SELPA
    1859 Bird Street
    Oroville CA 95965
  4. Other Resources

    There are also Family Resource Centers that are staffed by parents who have children with special needs. They understand the emotional needs of families and provide help with local school districts and services systems. They offer resource libraries, websites and parent-to-parent help. Visit their website www.dds.ca.gov/earlystart.

    There are also a local support groups for parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disability (ASD) and with Downs Syndrome under the sponsorship of Rowell Family Empowerment and the ARC of Butte County. This is a get-together for families with a meal followed by an informal meeting for parents and child care for children. For more information, call 530-636-4269.

    Autism Life Span is a parent support group that offers information and recreation to families. For more information email: info@autismlifespan.org

    The Yellow Door is a project started for families with children with ASD.  The mission of The Yellow Door is to provide support to individuals wiith autism and their families while promoting student leadership and involvement in the Chico community.  This project promotes family activities like the Chico Walks For Autism during Autism Month and increases community awareness of autism. More information can be found on their website:  http://www.yellowdoorchico.com.

    There are also programs for school age children, such as the Autism Clinic, through the Kineseology Department at California State University at Chico.